Count of Eternity
Kajsa Ingemarsson

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Sweden: LB förlag
Count of Eternity - The unlikely scribblings of an immortal
He calls himself The Count, a literally immortal figure, who from his chambers beyond time and space shares his personal experiences from a wide variety of lifetimes. Whether they are about success or failure, shortcomings, vanity or the sincere desire for truth and beauty, his voice is always one of warmth and empathy. No matter where he finds himself – may it be in ancient Egypt, in the midst of the French revolution or in the pantheon of gods – he tells his stories with humor, elegance but with a pinch of provocation. His wish is to help, to guide and show us how even the most cumbersome of ways will eventually lead to enlightenment.
Count of Eternity is a thought-provoking fantasy. It is entertaining, filled with hope, love and timeless wisdom.
250 pages
"I love the style of writing. I read half this morning, went to work and then ran home to continue reading. The book makes you happy, a real joy." - Go Kväll, Swedish TV review
"A wonderful tale about life and death in a timeless flow." - Ingmari Lamy
“It’s captivating from the very first sentence, a riveting game of word play and language management. With a clear language Ingemarsson takes us on a rare literary journey… it is beautiful, astounding and momentarily magical… Count of Eternity is the most beautiful thing I’ve read this year and it proves that Kajsa Ingemarsson deserves her place among our Swedish literary giants.” – Bokruset, book blog
“This book gives thoughts that have cut off the power to grow and guide the feeling of hopelessness towards another direction. The light resides here, the love resides here and it’s a place for faith to grow. I’m left perplexed, fascinated and in awe… This is a reading experience that claims and playfully challenges my imagination, and ability to test chosen truths and boundaries for what is and what exists. It’s the art of writing in its highest form. I put the book down with the feeling of hope, a faith in humanity and with the wisdom that life will turn out good. It’s close, thought provoking and magical. It’s Ingemarsson at her peak.” – Carolinesbokhylla
"Insights and hope mixed with a pinch of humor. Like a warm and safe hug. The slightly older language takes a while to get into. To sink into and understand. It requires some focus. Then it pops up like beautiful stories. Almost like sitting at a campfire and listening. Feeling warmth in my heart when I finish the book. A book you should read several times and get the new insights to truly sink in." - lisas_bok_o_klokskap, book blog
“It is very seldom that an author manages to, with such emphasis, clearly explain and defend the free thought and the meaning and power of the freedom of speech in such a captivating way. Kajsa Ingemarsson has lit a shining torch in the dark. It’s The Duke of Time!” – Ölandsbladet