The Art of Making an Impression
Angela Ahola

Rights sold
China: Beijing Land of Wisdom Books (simplified Chinese)
Finland: Minerva Kustannus
Sweden: Natur & Kultur
The book that lets you present your better self.
You only have a few critical seconds before others have already made up their minds about you. Which factors determine whether people will want to collaborate with you, hire you, or invest in your services or products? What is it that causes us to trust other people, to choose one product over another, or to feel confidence in organizations and businesses?
Our relationships may be long or short, private or professional. They take place eye to eye, through social media, over the phone, over email, or during video conferencing. One thing that unites them all is that they all begin with a first impression: that critical moment where a number of vital components converge and get evaluated. Whether others will choose to cooperate with us, hire us, date us, or allow us to lead them are all determined by first impressions.
What is it exactly that affects how others perceive us? How do we influence others, how can we win them over, and how can we inspire their trust? Which methods are the most advantageous towards creating the appropriate conditions for successful and rewarding relationships? And should you happen to make a bad first impression – will you ever get a second chance?
240 pages
"Just finished reading the book with great admiration. Fascinating, very informative and unusually good for its genre. Angela Ahola manages to mix science with "pop-culture" in a fantastic way. Could not stop reading!"
– Colette van Luik, freelance journalist for Topphälsa
"An incredible book that everyone should read!"
- Camilla Thulin, fashion designer and author
"Angela Ahola delivers something very unusual with a book based on academic work, written by a Swede that, rhetorically speaking, could be any of the popular science books on the New York Times bestseller list. "
- Vilhelm Hansén,
PR firm - GUL PR
After having read The Art of Making Impressions, I can manage to see myself from other people's perspectives. From time to time in life we need to examine ourselves – what is it about me that benefits my relationships (private and professional), my success, and what is not contributing to these. I now have concrete tools for making the right impression--one of those impressions that opens more doors to success, more rewarding relationships and more fun in life.
- Saila Ek,
Yasuragi Hasseludden
This book is for all people who are interested in how to make an impression on others, build trust and mediate influence. It gives concrete advice on the things that can affect how we perceive, judge and look at others, and, more important, the other way around.
- Marika Södergren
Behavioural psychologist
Human psychology is more important than we can imagine. The Art of Making impressions gives all the tools needed to make a good first impression. It describes the difficulties changing the feeling gotten within the first few seconds of a meeting another person. For a person like me who has worked with sales all my life, making a good first impression is extremely important. I highly recommend everyone read the book because it opens up opportunities, both professionally and personally.
- Timmi Jofur
CEO AlphaPartner
The Art of Making Impressions triggered all of my senses. It gave me a greater understanding for how we categorize the people around us and how important it is to be seen and receive affirmations in the right way. The book gave me an appetite to develop myself and become more aware of how others perceive me in my profession and as an individual.
Angela describes it in a way that even the uninitiated can grasp the book's message. In other words, the information is easily accessible and super interesting. This book will help me in many ways.
-Hilde Kindblad Nilsson
Utbildare / NLP Coach
"incredibly good! -was my spontaneous reaction after having read Angela Ahola’s book, The Art of Making Impressions. I can only summarize it by saying that it left me super inspired! The book is well written and immediately grabbed my attention. I give Angela bonus points for illustrating it with personal anecdotes. With the knowledge I’ve gained I feel better equipped for any meeting. The most important lesson for me, someone who has had trouble speaking in front of a group, are the invaluable tips to think about my posture and breathing. This book gave me a real confidence boost! With a few simple tricks, I now know how to change my speech or performance from failure to success. Thank you, Angela, for a lovely book. - Vesa Morley, Account Manager