Bob Hansson

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Bob Hansson is an author, lecturer, radio voice and poet. He has written 13 books, performed on stage thousands of times and has taught writing and personality development courses for thirty years.
Bob himself says;
I believe just like you that change is possible! I think we have a potential that is greater than we think. And I think we mean more to people around us than we realize!
Everything I do is based on one thing: we can change both ourselves and the world.
But I only believe that because I was once saved by others who believed just that.
Bob Hansson has an ability to touch, with both spoken and written words. His “Today’s Word” on the radio is loved and his philosophic thinking is both mind provoking, refreshing and comforting on the same time. His thinking is filled with humanity, wit and warmth.
Author's Website:
2024- Kindest Wins (Snällast vinner)
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