That Fire Within

Karin Härjegård

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Sweden: Printz Publishing



Margareta Klingspor has long dreamed of becoming a doctor, despite the fact that it is not at all obvious for a woman in 1930s Sweden. She struggles on, but ends her studies when it turns out that her own fiancé, himself a medical student, does not support her studies. Eventually, he becomes a provincial doctor in a small village in Härjedalen, and she has to stay at home and take care of the children and the household.

But Margareta can no longer ignore her inner will and drive to help other people. So she begins a work of change in the village, mainly for women and children. This will fundamentally change both herself and the inhabitants of the village.

That fire within is one of Karin Härjegård's earlier books, which is now finally available in audio. The book is part of the stand-alone series Women through History