Kajsa Ingemarsson

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The Netherlands: Archipel Uitgeverij
Russia: Eksmo
Sweden: Norstedts
With Dreamlife, the two authors Kajsa Ingemarsson and Karin Nordlander wish to help people find the way to their inner strength and untapped potential. With access to these resources we have the possibility to create truly happy lives – the lives of our dreams. We can create an existence which not only benefits ourselves, but also our surroundings and the people close to us. Dreamlife shows us how to create a happy life on all levels: materially, physically, mentally and spiritually.
The method has its roots in reality and uses inspiring examples and techniques that everybody can learn. It shows how to find your inner power, how to trust your intuition, to eliminate inner and external obstructions, to find happiness and to make one’s dreams come true.
The authors have created their own wisdom, a modern philosophy with expressions that might very well become trendsetting in the future. Here, we put the soul in the driver’s seat and cure overfed egos and malnourished souls, concepts like victim thinking, perfect-pictures and scarcity thinking are explained, and we are introduced to the teachers of life. With an address that truly invites the reader, Dreamlife offers a functioning method to find the magic in life and become happy for real!
The book contains insights and theories delivered in a easy and entertaining way, as well as personal and inspiring stories from the authors’ lives.
272 pages
The authors
Throughout more than twenty years of friendship, the authors have supported and inspired each other in life’s ups and downs. But it is not until now that they share the life philosophy that is the basis of Dreamlife as well as their own personal happiness and development.