Ways of Wisdom
Kajsa Ingemarsson

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Poland: Kobiece
Exploring the human potential beyond facts and figures
Ways of Wisdom is the second stand alone sequel of the groundbreaking trilogy Way of The Heart. In this book the reader is guided on a journey into the mystery hidden deep within all of us. It takes the reader from the first glimpses of a reality behind the veil, through the state of awakening, into the dark night of the soul and, finally, towards the inner clarity experienced by the master.
Ways of Wisdom is a captivating and profoundly personal book about the search for the meaning of life. It allows for the obscure and the unknown, as well as the things we know for sure, but can neither grasp, nor fully understand. The author’s bold promise, is that the premises of your being is so much grander than you think. That there are rooms you still haven’t discovered, just waiting for you to step in.
With a modern twist on ancient wisdom and traditions, Kajsa Ingemarsson, who refers to herself as a modern mystic, in Ways of Wisdom take yet another step forward as a representative for the new human in search for answers beyond clichés and quick fix solutions. Her humble and simple ways show us, with generously given examples from her own life, how it is possible to gain clarity by daring to trust your inner knowledge.
Ways of Wisdom – Exploring the human potential beyond facts and figures is an enthralling, illuminating and highly inspiring book about the mystery of life, and the search for a deeper meaning.
The book is divided into nine chapters:
The Grand Mystery
Inner Knowledge
The Hero's Journey
Time And Space – An Odessey Through Higher Dimensions
God And Other Curiosities
Finding Your Tribe – Spirituality In Our Time
Spirit of Place
Egypt - A Journey Into The Unknown
And The Adventure Continues …
The book is illustrated with the authors own captivating photos offering a glimpse of the mystery, the beauty and the great unknown.
290 pages
A selection of reviews from readers of Ways of Wisdom:
”It encourages me to explore my own potential.”
”It gave me insight and trust that I am on the right path. The book gave me courage to continue along this path, daring to express the magic of my being.”
”The book is enthralling like a detective story. It is hard to put down, a real page-turner!”
”In this book, Kajsa shows her mastery. She writes in such a simple and accesible way, only possible for the one who possesses a great and deep knowledge. The mystery has become so crystal clear, that the book, litterally, shines.”
”The words heal, so much is falling into place, and I become inspired to continue my own life in an open manner. The book gives room for profound truths, and is deeply touching.”
About the trilogy Way of The Heart
Through her long list of bestselling novels, Kajsa Ingemarsson has proved to the readers that every moment is a turning point away from restrictions and limitations. By this, she has provided hope, joy, boldness and sometimes provoking challenges to the audience.
Way of The Heart is a step further, a groundbreaking non-fiction trilogy exploring the potentials of human consciousness. It is contemporary, fluent and catching in style and language, yet crystal clear, anchored in a long tradition of mystic wisdom.
There is truly something magical - something undefinable - embedded between the lines in these three books. An ancient wisdom that sparks the inner knowledge within to realize our own inherent creator ship. Something that ignites the drive for expression, for freedom, for creativity, exploring and expansion, and leads us to capture our brightest potentials.
Way of The Heart is an invitation to take the road less traveled, to boldly set out on the adventure of life, full sails ahead. The response from the audience has been overwhelming, with countless testimonies of life-changing experiences from reading.