If Only We Could Switch Bodies With Each Other
Johanna Nilsson

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Sweden: Rabén&sjögren
King B is seventeen and lives in a storage room in Liljeholmen, Stockholm. Thrown out, frozen out and exposed. The only thing he managed to bring with him from home was a pair of sandwiches from his mum and a cold text from his dad. Before this his name was Bella. But it was never him.
Queen O has been living under ground for several years. She is from Iran and doesn't have the rights to stay in Sweden. No protection. The government doesn't pay any attention to the fact that her own family tried to drown her. She will be forced to return. And in Iran there is a death penalty to be like her, to be born in the wrong body.
During a few hot and intense weeks of summer we get to follow their lives in Stockholm. They party, cry, make love, steal wallets and end up in fights. But all the time anxiety is luring in the background: What will become of us, why do they not want us? If only we could switch bodies with each other.
280 pages
"If Only We Could Switch Bodies With Each Other is an important story about alienation and the longing for acceptance" BTJ, Magnus Öhrn
"It is a heavy and emotional book to read, Johanna Nilsson is an expert at giving a voice to the exposed and I find it very nicely depicted. I will never fully understand what it is like to be born into the wrong body but with literature like this at least I get an opportunity to get closer to comprehend it and I hope this book finds its readers. Both as identification and as an eye-opener. It's needed." Romeo and Juliet, book blog
"Wonderful, Strong, and beautifully written" - Jennies Boklista, book blog
"Nilsson doesn't avoid the difficult subjects this time either. She portays two exposed and lonely youths who have both been born into the wrong body" - Bokfreak, book blog
"Damn vad a punch in the gut type of book this is. Harsh, brutal and absolutely wonderful. I love Kung B and Queen O's love story. This is the best book in a long time by Johanna Nilsson." Prickiga Paula, book blog
"Johanna Nilsson has proven it once again that she manages to portray the lonely and broken youths. All in a nuanced and very believable way" Petter Lindgren, Aftonbladet