A Wonderful Death
Emma Ångström

Rights sold
Poland - Arkady
Sweden - Piratförlaget
Julia has the perfect life together with her husband Henrik and their three children.
Henrik is everything she ever dreamed of: handsome, caring and a wonderful father.
Although one morning when Julia wakes up - Henrik is nowhere to be found. She desperately searches for him and refuses to give up even after the police investigation leads nowhere.
During her search Julia discovers things about Henrik that she didn’t know. Who did she really marry? Slowly the image of a different Henrik begins to grow within her. At the same time, she realizes that she and the children are in danger.
Inspired by a true story about a man who set up traps in his own home to kill his family. A Wonderful Death is a psychological thriller that makes you think about what might be hiding out there in the dark outside your window. It also forces you to consider how well you know those who you hold near and dear.
224 pages
“A WONDERFUL DEATH is a psychological thriller that holds a high standard. The mood is built up gradually as the plot becomes even more interesting. The reader understands that there is a lot of things buried beneath the surface, but to follow along on the journey that the author creates is a bit like travelling with a blindfold. There is no way of guessing where the story will go. With this book Emma Ångström proves that she is the Swedish comparison to Gillian Flynn” – Johannas deckarhörna, book blog
“A WONDERFUL DEATH is a wonderfully creepy pshycological suspense thriller, in the I can’t stop reading gotta get one more page kind of way. The mood builts up gradually and becomes more and more like a crawling discomfort. You don’t really know what to think, who to trust or how everything is connected. The story is skillfully structured as well as the unraveling. This is simply so furiously horrible!” -Bokbloggen Hyllan, book blog
“This is the type of psychological thriller that creates a nail-biting mood when you switch the lights off at night. What seemed as the perfect life turns out to be the complete opposite in a desperate search for truth. You never know what awaits you on the next page. Secrets come up to the surface and as a reader all you want to do is jump into the book and help out. Ångström delivers an exciting book with a high tempo that ended all too fast! /Ewa Lotta Anfeldt, book blog
“Emma Ångström’s new thriller is a true nail-biter. It’s a skillfully laid out puzzle that frightens and lures you in. The book does something truly unusual: it exceeds the high expectations. Ever since reading THE MAN IN THE WALL I’ve longed for a psychological thriller that could exceed it. A WONDERFUL DEATH does that and that is an acknowledgement in itself.” – Anne Pihlo, Smålandsposten
“Emma Ångström is subtle in her way of writing. It’s well portrayed, and the reader gets to experience a really unpleasant visit within the mind of a psychopath out for revenge. A WONDERFUL DEATH is an intense and dense story where the perspectives shifts while the suspense continues to rise” - Maria Näslund, GP
“Terrifically suspenseful. You’re reading it with your heart up in your throat, boy it’s good!”
- Mias Bokhörna, book blog
“I’ve finally gathered myself enough to write about Emma Ångström’s new psychological thriller A WONDERFUL DEATH. It’s so suspenseful that the pages nearly turn themselves over and what you think you know constantly changes. Unexpected angles and events move the story forward. Read it! And make sure you have plenty of time left to finish reading it because once you start there is no return!” – Anna bokkonto, book blog