The Traitor
Gabriella Ullberg Westin

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A murder happens at a rest area outside of Hudiksvall. An inmate escapes from Hall prison. A spectacular robbery occurs right in the center of Stockholm City. Everything is woven together beautifully in Gabriella Ullberg Westin’s fifth novel in the Murders in Hudiksvall crime series, The Traitor
At the rest area a truck driver has been shot dead. The case is assigned to detective Johan Rokka who quickly finds connections to the Stockholm underworld, a place he once left behind. This is but the prelude to another breathtakingly exciting Murders in Hudiksvall crime novel.
Viktor Berger has served a long penalty at the Hall prison. He only has one year left until his release and his longed-for future with his girlfriend Sanna. But the hold that some old connections have on him, he is forced to escape and participate in one last robbery in Stockholm were the booty is 10 million.
The news about Viktor’s escape shocks to Sanna. What would make Viktor risk their future together? Johan Rokka struggles to solve the case while dealing with events from his own past. Rokka’s, Viktor’s and Sanna’s fates are woven together skillfully in The Traitor, a story based partly on true events, threats, false and genuine loyalties, betrayals and unconditional love.
This is the fifth part in the Rokka series.
330 pages
"...the suspense rises with unexpected twists and the ending is truly surprising. A page turner." BTJ, Pia Lindestrand, no 9 2019
”A thought provoking and suspenseful, a times brutal, story about liberation and the longing for love that is shattered – all told with the authors personal tone.” – DAST Magazine
“As a large consumer of Crime novels it’s now a days rare that I find books that are so suspenseful that I have to binge-read them, but THE TRAITOR, is one of those books” – Johannas Deckarhörna, book blog
“Suspenseful, high tempo & skillfully written!” – Jennies boklista, book blog
“The series about Johan Rokka has become one of my favorites out of the most recent crime novels, and I’m not tired of him yet! THE TRAITOR is a believable police crime novel of rank!” – Villivonkanbooks, book blog
“It’s suspenseful, insightful and speedy. While at the same time both believable and tenderly written. It’s a story that you’d rather not leave, because it becomes personal even if you aren’t close to criminality yourself.” – boktokig, book blog
“I read it while completely out of breath, the tempo is high, there is a drive and a flow that makes the book impossible to put down” I hyllan, book blog
“About the sometime thin line between perpetrator and victim, between criminality and jet-set life. It’s anxiety and impotence versus money and power. A contemporary story that moves.” – Bok_stavligt, book blog
“Incredibly sunspenseful and captivating crime novel where the reader gets insight into the criminal world. What makes the book particularly good and well written is due to the fact that there is extensive research behind the story.” - bokhyllerskan_gummilurkan, book blog
“I hadn’t read any of the other books in the series before this one. I didn’t have a hard time getting into it, but on the other hand - putting it down was impossible. What a read! I don’t believe I’ve ever been so glued to a book before. Homerun! Now I wanna read the rest of the books in the series as well. So far this is the best book this year!” – Carinas läsdagbok, book blog
Reviews on the previous books in the series:
“The book gets a solid 5/5. It is like Gabriella’s previous books, well-written, correct portrayals of the policemen and their work and incredibly thrilling. I envy all of you who haven’t read it yet. Read, enjoy and sweat because this is a horrifying and really frightening and bloody story” - Bokvurmen book blog
"Gabriella Ullberg Westin has done it again in this fourth book about Johan Rokka. It has a high tempo and it's both exciting and sad. It brings up what greed can do to people. It also treats the subject of how people handle grief and how love and desire sometimes can make you blind.
The author is so damn sharp and good at tying together different events in the story. If you haven't yet read the others in the series go do it! Gabriella is one of our amazing queens of crime." - Evas bokhylla, book blog
"It ended way to fast. 5/5" - Evastinasbokhylla, book blog
"It gave me chills. It's raw but in a good way. It never becomes to much. The authors attention for detail and how everything is tied together is excellent! 4,5 /5". - Villivonkansbooks, book blog
"Brilliant, fascinating and extremely suspenseful! 5/5 " - Jenniesboklista, book blog
"Ullberg Westin shows yet again her incredibly ability to combine suspense with fantastic environmental descriptions of nature, people and tragic destinies. I love the book about Johan Rokka. The story is well thought through. 5/5" Annas Deckartips, Book blog