Gabriella Ullberg Westin

Gabriella Ullberg Westin_Foto Ola Axman (9)

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Gabriella Ullberg Westin has great concern about the psychology of crime, an interest in the individual dilemmas that lead to crime and a personal drive in creating an intriguing puzzle for the reader her novels impress.


She has studied criminology at the University of Stockholm and before she became a fulltime writer she was head of the communication department at one of Sweden’s largest telecommunication companies.


Research is very important to her before she begins to write: All work takes form after meetings and interviews with policemen with different specialties, real criminals, psychologists and prison officers.


The moment when Gabriella got into crime novels came when reading Henning Mankell's Faceless Killers, with total fascination Gabriella read everything by Mankell and understood that this was a way for her to also unite her passions, to write about crime with a strong pathos to the individual's and society.


Today she lives in Stockholm with her husband who is a policeman and their two children. And their dog Ruth.


Interview with Gabriella Ullberg Westin in English:




2023 - Calima, suspense novel

2022 - Darkness Beneath the Surface (Mörkret under ytan), crime novel

2021 - When We Fall (När vi faller), crime novel

2020 - One Single Breath (Ett enda andetag), crime novel

2019 - The Traitor (Förrädaren), crime novel

2018 - Snowfall and Desire (Snöfall och längtan), Easy read

2018 - Dead Meat (Slaktaren), crime novel

2017 - The Fixer (Fixaren), crime novel

2016 – The Runner (Springpojken), crime novel

2014 – Lone Girl (Ensamfjäril), crime novel



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