Green Blossoming Spring Winds
Christoffer Holst

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Welcome back to Bullholmen – where the emotions of spring become entangled with an unsolved mystery from the past.
It’s early May and crime reporter Cilla Storm is happy with where her life is at the moment, even though she is unsure about the next step to take with her boyfriend Adam. Although her best friend Zacke is faring much worse, he has temporarily separated from his boyfriend Jonathan and he borrows Cilla’s colonial cottage while he gets some rest.
On the same island, food and wine influencer Julia is trying to complete her book. She becomes a witness to a terrible event when one night she looks over into a neighbor’s house. Something will soon become clear that has its roots in an unsolved murder from 50 years ago…
303 pages
“A suspenseful, unpredictable and cosy page turner that I simply couldn’t put down” -bokmysan, bookblog
"You always get both hungry and thirsty when reading Holst... make sure you have something yummy available when you enjoy this goodread." -@malinbokhyllar, instagram
"You really know how to write cosy crime - I want more! It's sad to see Cilla go in this final part of the series" - @systrarnaleosbokprat, Instagram