Kindest Wins

Bob Hansson



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Latvia: Zvaigzne

Sweden: The Book Affair



An underrated strategy for success

Being kind isn't just cute, it's a winning approach in all areas of life. Unfortunately, it is often confused with fear of conflict, being afraid, naive and to stupidity, but in reality it is the opposite.

Those who are empathetic and generous are happier, more successful and feel more meaningful in life. Hundreds of research studies show that a kind person is better at their job, a better leader, partner and parent. The reason is simple, success requires cooperation and successful cooperation requires kindness. Unfortunately, in our culture there is a deep misconception about how we humans work.

This book wants to change that.

Bob Hansson, author, lecturer and poet, has written an entertaining and well-founded book on the benefits of prosocial behavior and good cooperation. The reader gets tools and insights for a more successful and happier life. His books is filled with modern research and knowledge from experiments and scientific tests. Here each chapter has its base in one of the conclusions from each test’s result.

You will leave the reading experience with so much new knowledge about kindness, and you will feel eager to start on a kinder journey in your life.



274 pages




"insightful. Great guide to work life, leadership, parenting and humanity."

"Very interesting and much needed in this time we live in"

"The world would be a better place if more people took Bob Hansson's wise words to heart"

"This is a book I will come back to again and again"


"I recommend many books but I really want this book to reach many readers. I often say that kindness is our least appreciated quality when it should really be the MOST appreciated. After all, don't you want to surround yourself with nice people? So how come the word kind also comes with a slightly negative connotation, in the sense of being stupidly kind?

In this book, Bob Hansson presents research and studies on kindness, combined with his own experiences and thoughts. It is interesting, thought-provoking and valuable reading. It is not, however, a book to be read in one sitting. I felt that I needed to digest what I had read and so I read in installments, a little at a time.

It makes me happy to read that kindness pays off and actually makes us happy. Doing something good for someone else actually brings us more happiness than when we do something that only benefits ourselves. And if you're one of those people who likes to sit around and talk shit about others - it will only make you bitter. Speak up, stand up for others and be kind - it will actually make you feel better.

Did you know that a chain of kindness has been shown to last longer than doing the opposite? It can be things like holding the door open for the person coming behind. This creates a chain reaction of people holding the door open. Or buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the queue and that person will be more inclined to continue the chain of kindness. Nice, huh?

Research shows that a kind person is better at their job, a better partner and parent. Being kind makes you a better collaborator, which in turn is an important part of being successful.

It really doesn't take much to be kind. Giving compliments (not about looks), helping with something, holding the door open, wishing someone a nice day, giving someone a hug, saying thank you. So be kind - kindness wins!" - @Malinsbokblogg , book blog