The Stone Man
Inger Frimansson

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Sweden : LB förlag
One early morning, ten-year-old Isak happens to witness two men arguing out on the ice on the Södertälje canal. One of them picks up a rock and kills the other. The lifeless body is kicked into the ice chute. Isak tries to escape, but the killer has seen him and takes up the chase. He escapes at the last minute.
Back home, Isak discovers that he has lost his mobile phone. After a few hours he goes back and searches but in vain. He understands that the killer must have taken it.
Isak's sister, Peggy Sue, accuses him of terrorizing her by calling repeatedly without saying anything when she answers. He is then forced to admit that he lost his mobile phone, but does not dare to tell about what he witnessed on the ice.
Peggy Sue sees her little brother's despair. Without mentioning anything, she seeks out the person who took the mobile to get it back. He turns out to be handsome and charming. Fifteen-year-old Peggy Sue falls deeply in love.
380 pages
"Almost impossible to stop reading once you start, there are short chapters that fly by.
The author has really succeeded in making the plot come alive, the language is clear and I sat spellbound throughout the book." - @gulabokhyllan
"I admire her language, the tone, the expression, the closeness, the accuracy, the feeling for details and effects" - Yvonne Teiffel – Jönköpings posten, Magazine