Inger Frimansson

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Inger Frimansson, a master of the psychological thriller, is back with a new breathtaking thriller for her fans. She began her writing career as a journalist. Her first novel appeared in 1984, but her major breakthrough came in 1998 with Good Night, My Darling, which won Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year, given by the Swedish Crime Writer Academy. The jury’s motivation: “A psychological thriller of madness and revenge, which the reader cannot easily forget.” Inger Frimansson has been awarded with the prestigious prize twice, the second time in 2005 for the sequel The Shadow in the Water.
Inger Frimansson has received a number of awards for her books, the latest in 2009 when The Stronger (De starkare) won the Spårhunden prize for Best Youth Detective Novel of the Year from the Swedish Crime Writer Academy (Svenska Deckarakademin). She has previously won Lilla Nobelpriset (the Nobel Prize in Literature for Children) in 1963. In 2004, she was awarded The Oak Leaf from the magazine Länstidningen. And in early 2008, her Good Night My Darling (God natt min älskade) won gold in ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards 2007, in the category "Fiction - translated".
Inger Frimansson has written in a number of genres: novels, poetry, children’s books and young adult novels, but she is most well-known for her psychological thrillers and she has been compared to the best in her field internationally, not in the least Minette Walters, Karin Fossum and most of all Ruth Rendell. Notable in her works is the way that she develops a creeping unease into her stories. The readers find themselves underneath the skin of her characters and, at any moment, the calm surface of everyday life erupts into the most horrible events. In Inger Frimansson’s world, no one is safe – not even the reader.
In 2024 Inger Frimansson was awarded Grand Master from the Swedish Crime Academy for her work establishing the psychological thriller in Sweden.
Author's website:
2023 - The Stone Man (Stenmannen), thriller
2022 - Flight Animals (Flyktdjur), psychological thriller
2020 - The Lone Bird (Fågelbarnet), psychological thriller
2019 - The Good Fairy (Den goda fen), short story
2018 - The Last Rooms (De sista rummen), psychological thriller
2014 – An Axe for Alice (En yxa åt Alice), psychological thriller
2011 – The Cold Country (Det kalla landet), psychological thriller
2010 – Drama Queens In a Life Close to You (Drama Queens. I ett liv nära dig), short novel collection
2009 – The Rat Keeper (Råttfångerskan), psychological thriller
2007 – Curled Up Like The Letter O (Ligga som ett O), autobiographical novel
2005 – The Shadow in the Water (Skuggan i vattnet), psychological thriller
2003 – Hidden Tracks ( Mörkerspår), psychological thriller
2002 – The Island of the Naked Women (De nakna kvinnornas ö), psychological thriller
2001 – A Much Better Life (Ett mycket bättre liv), psychological thriller
2000 – The Cat Did Not Die (Katten som inte dog), psychological thriller
1999 – The Man With the Ox Heart (Mannen med oxhjärtat), psychological thriller
1998 – Good Night, My Darling (God natt min älskade), psychological thriller
1997 – Fear No Evil (Fruktar jag intet ont), psychological thriller
Bibliography, children/youth
2014 – Galopp on Flake (Full galopp på Flinga), children's fiction
2014 – Rely on Dunder (Lita på Dunder), children's fiction
2013 – Pinto's Solace (Tröst hos Pinto), children's fiction
2012 – Can Anyone Love Misja? (Kan man älska Misja?), children's fiction
2011 – Saving Rabalder (Rädda Rabalder), children's fiction
2011 – Riding on Golden (Rida på Golden), children's fiction
2009 – The Stronger (De starkare), children/young readers
2007 – Find Jeppe (Hitta Jeppe), children/young readers
2002 – Wrapped in Rose Paper (Svept i rosa papper), young adult novel
1999 – The Fire (Elden), young adult novel
1995 – Love, Faith, Friendship, Hate (Kärlek, trohet, vänskap, hat), young adult novel
1993 – A Bad Summer (Skräpsommaren), young adult novel
Other and older works
2003 – Annunciation Day (Bebådelsedag), Christmas book
1996 – The Eye Rests There (Där inne vilar ögat), short story collection
1995 – The Soldiers Daughter (Soldaternas dotter), novel
1993 – The Man who fled over the Mountains (Mannen som flöt över bergen), poetry collection
1992 – The Hand-Puppy (Handdockan), novel, psychological thriller
1991 – I Also Walk on Water (Jag kan också gå på vattnet), novel
1989 – The Animal under the Thumbs (Djuret under tummarna), novel (part two of The Double Bed)
1987 – Until She Finds a Place of her Own (Tills hon hittar något eget), novel
1986 – The Magic Prince (Den förtrollande prinsen), novel
1984 – The Double Bed (Dubbelsängen), literary debut
1976 – All Though (Trots allt), non fiction
Reader's comments
"Discovered Wrapped in Rose Paper which my children loved and read over and over again. Now my youngest is into the Unusual Names Club series and I wonder if you are releasing any more of them? Your writing is fantastic and there is somthing girls can relate to and wanting to return to many, many times. There are not many who can write that way!!!"
"Just want to say that I really love your books. I have read those not available as audio book and listened to the newest, with wonderful Gunnel Fred as the recite. And I just want to say I love your psychological thrillers. There is no author who writes as good and exciting as you do! So, I hope soon there will be a new one! "
"Thank you for many wonderful reading and listening hours!"
"You write so that one falls into the pages, nailed in some way. It's great to have a book to yearn for when you crawl into bed."
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