The Winter Pack

Jacob Lindfors


Rights sold

Denmark: Falco

Finland: Gummerus

Sweden: Piratförlaget

Norway: Cappelen Damm


Film rights: Nevis productions

Something evil is gaining momentum in the forests of northern Sweden. A criminal network has come to life and become involved with an international crime syndicate. This signals the beginning of a spiral of violence that no one can control.

Mattias Kassian has not done much right in life, but during his time in the Armed Forces he had at least friends and a purpose. When the most important person in his life dies- his Swedish mother who adopted him and brought him from the Rwandan genocide to the security he learned to call home  - Kassian applies to the Swedish Armed Forces' special unit SOG to start anew.

The worlds of SOG and the criminal network collide when a sixteen-year-old girl is kidnapped. What she witnesses is something everyone else has missed. Kassian and his comrades within SOG are tasked with chasing both the network and the bitter truth. He has already lost everything once. Never again.

The Winter Pack is Jacob Lindfors' debut book, the first part of a planned trilogy about Mattias Kassian. Lindfors has written a raw military thriller about defending oneself when one stands with one's back to the wall, where rage is mixed with hope and human warmth.


450 pages



“What makes it so fantastic is the suspense from page one throughout the whole book.” – Johan Anderblad, TV4 News Morning Sofa

“Why would you read this type of a story unless you have any interest in the military? Because the debutant Jacob Lindfors can write with the most important ingredient on them all: breathtaking suspense.” – Lotta Olsson, Dagens Nyheter

“Generally speaking THE WINTER PACK is a completely fantastic thriller that I strongly recommend. Be prepared for an emotional read, sharp twists and staggering suspense. This is one of the absolutely best books I’ve read in a long time. Big shout out!” Idas recensioner, book blog

“… and these twists and the environments we are brought to – super thrilling. I am completely captivated!” – Titti Schultz, Go’kväll Swedish Television

“… an impressive and unusual debut, definitely worth the read, and I look forward to following the main characters in the following books in the trilogy.” –  Kapprakt, book blog

"It's difficult to find the rights words to describe how good this book was. Basically, insanely good. Read it!" - reader instagram


"There is absolutely nothing with military thrillers that would tickle my fancy... and in combination with gang crimes, on paper, this is not a book for me. BUT the setting in the northern Forrests of Sweden along with really good reviews I was still intrigued to give it a go. And boy am I happy I did! The Winter Pack is extremely good and a suspenseful read! It's filled to the brim with action, violence and a high pace making me read through the pages like an obsessed person... It's also creepy because it is so close to a reality that our society is getting closer to becoming each day." - I hyllan, book blog


"I first heard about this book early this year but wasn't sure if I wanted to read it. Then I went to Crimetime Göteborg and listened to the author and had a nice chat with him and decided to read it. Boy am I glad I did. The Winterpack by Jacob Lindfors is one of the best books I have read for quite some time. Filled with thrilling plots and action we also get some insight in different peoples personal life. It is mainly the character Mattias Kassian who at a young age as an orphan in Rwanda is adopted by a single woman in Sweden. We understand that there is some trauma in his background but life is better when he gets to Sweden. The years go by and he winds up in the swedish army and the elite SOG unit. To complicate life Sweden is under attack both physical and technological from Vinterpacket an organisation of many groups of criminals who does cyberattacks against swedish infrastructure and physical attacks on the elite units in the swedish defense. What are they after? And why? Well as I usually say, read the book and find out. It's the first in a planned trilogy. It is terrifyingly plausible with some parts entirely made up, it is fiction after all. Lindfors has a wonderful way with the language in this debut and the characters are greatly put together. There is a great flow reading it so despite it being over 500 pages it takes no time to go through it. Now I have to wait a year for the next one. Finally after many years with only a few good swedish authors I have a couple of them that has become new favorites." - Abibliofob, book blog