Mikael Bergstrand

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The Netherlands
Mikael Bergstrand is a journalist and author from Malmö, in the south of Sweden. He has previously worked for many years on Southern Sweden's leading daily paper Sydsvenska Dagbladet.
In 2007 the Mikael moved to India, and lived in New Delhi for almost four years, sharing his time between traveling and writing. Since 2011 he lives in Sweden again, but still travels frequently to India.
In 2011, Mikael Bergstrand got his big breakthrough with Dehli's Most Beautiful Hands, which has been sold to several countries and was made into a TV series in 2016.
The Delhi's series books about Göran and Yogi have sold more than 200.000 copies to date.
Mikael's book Ingemar's Awakening is a heart felt story about a man caged in his own house due to his OCD and a friendship with a young girl that will have a big impact on them both. The book is sold to several foreign publishers and film rights have been acquired.
Mikael's writing is compared to Jonathan Tropper, David Nichols , Fredrik Backman and Nick Hornby. Funny stories, told with warmth and a humorous self-irony.
Author's website:
2023 - The Light from Jodhpur (Ljuset från Jodhpur)
2021 - The Consultant That Refused to Swim (Konsulten som inte ville bada)
2019 - Ingemar's Awakening (Ingemar Modigs Uppvaknande), novel
2017 - The Carefree Caregiver (Den sorglöse hemsamariten), novel
2015 - The Guru in the Pomona Valley (Gurun i Pomonadalen), novel
2013 - Darjeeling Mist (Dimma över Darjeeling), novel
2011 - Delhi’s Most Beautiful Hands (Dehlis vackraste händer), novel
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