Johanna Nilsson

Rights sold
The Faroe Islands
The Netherlands
Swedish Radio's Short Story Award 2015
Bokjuryn - children novels fro Almost Like Zlatan series 2016
Borlänge Kommuns kulturpris 2017
August Prize 2017 - This Years Children and Young Adult Novel "To Awaken the Dreamer"
Johanna Nilsson writes about contemporary issues and is not afraid to take up difficult situations, while always giving her characters a great deal of respect. Her plots are brisk and her narrative style effective. Johanna Nilsson develops her characters by what they say and what they do. The portraits are always rich and fascinating.
Johanna Nilsson wrote her first book while she was still in high school, and when she made her debut a few years later with the novel She goes through the Frame and out of the Picture, she had an immediate breakthrough. The novel was partially autobiographical and scenes of bullying and being an outsider brought her great attention. Since then, she’s written a number of novels as well as novels for young adults. Her next big breakthrough was winning the Pär Westberg prize in 2005 for Loved ones on the edge. This prize is given by the publisher Walström & Widstrand. The same year, she won the Gustav Fröding scholarship from the student union of Uppsala University, and the Karin Boye prize. She won the Stockholm Reader Prize in 2006 for the best novel set in Stockholm. Johanna Nilsson is also a popular speaker.
Author's website:
Author's Facebook: Johanna Nilsson
Author's Instagram: @partipoeten
Johanna Nilsson writes crime fiction under the pseudonym Amanda Lind.
2025- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Rovdjur som leker lamm), fiction
2022 - The Angel at Rival (Ängeln på Rival)
2020 - The Widows' Funeral Parlor (Änkornas begravningsbyrå), Storytel Original
2019 - The Queen of Fragments (Skärvornas drottning), släkten serien, novel
2018 Summer Karlsson season 3, Storytel Original
2017 - Summer Karlsson season 2, Storytel Original
2017 - Summer Karlsson, Storytel Original
2015 – The Greener Abyss (Det grönare djupet), novel
2013 – I Am the One You are Waiting for (Jag är den som skall komma), novel
2011 – Please Go But Stay (Gå din väg men stanna), novel
2008 – SOS from Humanity (SOS från mänskligheten), novel
2006 – The Leopard Boy’s Daughter (Jag är leopardpojkens dotter), novel
2005 – Loved Ones on the Edge (De i utkanten älskande), novel
2003 – The Art of being Ela (Konsten att vara Ela), novel
2001 – Rebel With Frozen Feet (Rebell med frusna fötter), novel
1999 – The Girl who Discovered Life (Flickan som uppfann livet), novel
1996 – She Walks Through the Frame and Out of the Picture (Hon går genom tavlan ut ur bilden), novel
Bibliography Young Adult
2023 - The Way Out (Vägen ur), Easy read
2023 - I Will Never Give Up On Myself (Jag överger mig aldrig)
2018 - I Wanted to Die, But Something Happened (Jag ville dö, men något hände)
2018 - If Only We Could Switch Bodies With Each Other (Om vi bara kunde byta kroppar med varandra)
2017 - Closer to Zlatan (Närmare Zlatan)
2017 - To Awaken the Dreamer (För att väcka hon som drömmer)
2016- In One Hundred Days I’m Going to Die so Goddamn Beautifully That You’ll Want to Follow Me (Om hundra dagar ska jag dö så satans vackert att du vill följa med)
2016 - The Bird Girl (Fågelflickan)
2016- Far from Zlatan (Långt ifrån Zlatan)
2016 - Almost like Zlatan (Nästan som Zlatan)
2016 - Maybe like Zlatan (Kanske som Zlatan)
2016- The Poet in the Glass Cage (Poeten i Glasburen)
2011 – Like Hate the Whore (Gilla Hata horan), YA novel
Previous children/Young Adult, Rights via Norstedts Agency
2011 – Little Darling
2009 – Janis the Magnificent
2006 – The Country with One Thousand Names
2005 – The Boy Who Cured Sleep
2003 – Alva and the Pretend Family
2001 – Robin ( Nominated for the August Prize)
2000 – Fanny’s Secret Meaning of Life
1997 – Save the Class from Lone Wolves
Author photo by Anna-Lena Ahlström
For photo rights, contact the photographer at